UK Basel 3.1: Credit risk standardised approach – exposures in default

On 12 September 2024, the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) published the second part of its near-final rules on the implementation of Basel 3.1 standards through Policy Statement 9/24 (PS9/24) which offers feedback on the responses received on Consultation Paper 16/22 (CP16/22) published on 30 November 2022.

PS9/24 covers inter alia the near-final rules on credit risk, disclosures, and reporting as well as minor clarifications and corrections to the previous near-final rules published within PS17/23. The implementation date for Basel 3.1 standards has now been postponed to 1 January 2027.

A brief summary of the changes relating to ‘exposures in default’ under the credit risk standardised approach is provided below.

Key changes to exposures in default, include:

  1. To assess the specific credit risk adjustments threshold (20%) the outstanding amount of the facility is to be considered, instead of the unsecured part of the exposure value used currently.

  2. A preferential risk weight of 100% would be applied on residential real estate exposures where repayments do not materially depend on the cash flows generated by the property (currently, 100% risk weight is applied only on exposures fully and completely secured by mortgages on residential or commercial property).

A summary of the revised classifications and applicable risk weights is given below: 

Existing and revised Risk Weights

How We Can Help

Banks may face a variety of challenges when preparing for Basel 3.1. At Katalysys, we have a deep understanding of prudential regulatory requirements both from the perspective of rules and practical implementation. Our team is already supporting a range of clients in this area, and includes:

  • Workshops or training to cover new requirements.

  • Gap and impact analyses.

  • Guidance on implementing industry best-practice in relation to the Basel 3.1 standards.

  • Documenting or updating assumptions and interpretations in regulatory reporting.

  • Preparation of regulatory reporting policies and procedure notes.

  • Validation of the system outputs and calculations.

  • Review of regulatory returns, including post-implementation of Basel 3.1 changes.

 For more information, please contact:

Josh Nowak

Managing Director, Risk & Regulatory Consulting

T: +44 (0)7587 720 988


Manish Patidar

Director, Regulatory Consulting

T: +44 (0)7766 001 643



UK Basel 3.1: Credit risk standardised approach – real estate exposures


UK Basel 3.1: Credit risk standardised approach – off-balance sheet items