- Basel 3.1 19
- Brexit 1
- CRR2 8
- Capital 1
- Consultation Paper 2
- Covid 1
- Dear CEO Letter - PRA 1
- Dear CRO Letter - PRA 1
- Deposit Aggregators 2
- Internal news 1
- Large Exposures 1
- Liquidity Risk 4
- Market Updates 1
- Model Risk Management 1
- Own Funds 2
- Policy Statements 1
- RRP 1
- Recovery Planning 1
- Regulatory reporting automation 2
- Regulatory reporting transformation 3
- Regulatory updates 32
- Risk Management 1
- Risk management framework 7
- Small Domestic Deposit Takers (SDDT) 3
- Solvent Exit Plan 1
- Stress testing 2
- Supervisory Statement 3
- k-ALM 4
Delay in UK Implementation of Basel 3.1 to 1-Jan-2027
Today, the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), in consultation with HM Treasury, announced a one-year delay to the implementation of Basel 3.1 in the UK. Originally scheduled to take effect on 1 January 2026 for banks not classified as Small Domestic Deposit Takers (SDDTs), the new implementation date is now set for 1 January 2027.
Mark Your Calendar: Key Dates for Basel 3.1 and SDDT
Mark Your Calendar: Key Dates for Basel 3.1 and SDDT. It has been approximately three months since the PRA released the second part of its near-final rules for implementing the Basel 3.1 standards in the UK. With the official implementation date of 1 January 2026 less than a year away, the clock is ticking for firms to ensure compliance. While the implementation date of 1 January 2026 is top of mind for many, it is essential not to overlook several key milestones in 2025. These will be particularly relevant both for firms seeking SDDT status and banks navigating Basel 3.1 requirements.
Basel 3.1 Data Collection Exercise
As part of the Near-final Rules (PS9/24), the PRA has announced an off-cycle review of Pillar 2 capital requirements. This review aims to address double counting, rebase Pillar 2A, and mitigate unintended impacts arising from changes in Pillar 1 RWAs. To facilitate this process, the PRA has requested a specific set of information based on the reference date of 31 December 2024, with a submission deadline of 31 March 2025.
UK Basel 3.1: An overview of the near-final rules
On 12 September 2024, the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) published the second part of its near-final rules on the implementation of Basel 3.1 standards through Policy Statement 9/24 (PS9/24). The first part of these near-final rules was issued on 2 December 2023, as part of PS17/23.
This article provides an overview of the near-final rules published by the PRA, as part of the UK's implementation of Basel 3.1 (PS9/24).
CP14/24 – Large Exposures Framework - Key changes
The PRA published a Consultation Paper on 18 October 2024, outlining proposals to implement the remaining Basel large exposures standards (LEX standards). A key change for small and medium-sized banks is the proposed removal of CRM eligibility for immovable property, meaning exposures secured by immovable properties would no longer qualify for CRM under Large Exposures.
CP8/24 – Restatement and minor amendments to CRR rules relating to the definition of own funds
The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) published Consultation Paper 8/24 ‘Definition of Capital: restatement of CRR requirements in PRA Rulebook’ (CP8/24) covering various matters relating to own funds including revocation by HM Treasury (HMT) of related rules set out in inter alia Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (the CRR) and transferring them, with certain modifications, into the PRA Rulebook.
Simplified Capital Regime for Small Domestic Deposit Takers (SDDTs)
On 12 September 2024, the PRA published Consultation Paper 7/24 (The Strong and Simple Framework: The simplified capital regime for Small Domestic Deposit Takers (SDDTs)) as part of its Phase 2 of announcements, which sets out the proposed simplified capital regime for SDDTs.
UK Basel 3.1: Credit risk standardised approach – exposures to corporates
This article outlines the changes relating to credit risk corporate exposure classification and risk weights under the standardised approach, as part of UK’s implementation of Basel 3.1 (PS9/24).
UK Basel 3.1: Credit risk standardised approach – retail exposures
This article outlines the changes relating to credit risk retail exposure classification and risk weights under the standardised approach, as part of UK’s implementation of Basel 3.1 (PS9/24).
UK Basel 3.1: Credit risk standardised approach – exposures to institutions
This article outlines the changes relating to exposures to institutions under the standardised approach of credit risk, as part of UK’s implementation of Basel 3.1 (PS9/24).
UK Basel 3.1: Credit risk standardised approach – exposures to multilateral development banks (MDBs)
This article outlines the changes to exposures to MDBs under the standardised approach of credit risk, as part of UK’s implementation of Basel 3.1 (PS9/24).
UK Basel 3.1: Credit risk standardised approach – real estate exposures
This article outlines the changes relating to real estate exposures and risk weights under the standardised approach of credit risk, as part of UK’s implementation of Basel 3.1 (PS9/24).
UK Basel 3.1: Credit risk standardised approach – exposures in default
This article provides an overview of the near-final rules concerning exposures in default under the standardised credit risk approach, as part of the UK's implementation of Basel 3.1 (PS9/24).
UK Basel 3.1: Credit risk standardised approach – off-balance sheet items
This article provides an overview of the near-final rules regarding the off-balance sheet items under the standardised approach, as part of the UK's implementation of Basel 3.1 (PS9/24).
UK Basel 3.1: Near-final Rules Part 2 (PS9/24) - Key Changes
On 12 September 2024, the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) published the second part of its near-final rules on the implementation of Basel 3.1 standards through Policy Statement 9/24 (PS9/24). This article focuses on the key changes in comparison to the PRA’s earlier consultation paper(s), in each of the major risk areas.
UK Basel 3.1: Operational risk - standardised approach
This article outlines the key changes to the calculation of own funds requirement for operational risk, as part of the implementation of Basel 3.1 standards (PS17/23).
UK Basel 3.1: Reporting changes
This article outlines the reporting changes, as part of UK’s implementation of Basel 3.1 (PS9/24).
UK Basel 3.1: Credit valuation adjustment and counterparty credit risk
This article outlines the key changes to the calculation of Credit valuation adjustment and counterparty credit risk, as part of the implementation of Basel 3.1 standards (PS17/23).
UK Basel 3.1: Market Risk
This article outlines the key changes to the calculation of market risk capital requirements as part of the implementation of Basel 3.1 standards (PS17/23).
Recalibration of IRRBB Shock Scenarios
In December 2023, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) published a Consultative Document on the recalibration of shocks for the measurement of IRRBB. Following the consultation period, on 16 July 2024, the BCBS published the final Recalibration of Shocks in the Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book Standard.