UK Basel 3.1: Operational risk - standardised approach

On 12 December 2023, the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) published near-final rules on the implementation of Basel 3.1 standards through Policy Statement 17/23 (PS17/23) which offers feedback on the responses received for Consultation Paper 16/22 (CP16/22) published on 30 November 2022.

The implementation date has now been postponed to 1 January 2027.

Below is a summary of the key changes to calculating own funds requirements for operational risk.

Key change: All existing operational risk approaches [Basic Indicator Approach (BIA), Standardised Approach (SA), and Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA)] are replaced by the new Standardised Approach (SA) for operational risk.

A summary of the new approach is given below (SA):

Table 1: The following table outlines the Business Indicator range and associated marginal coefficient:

Note 1: Items to be included in the calculation of each BI element are given below:  

Items to be included in ILDC:

Items to be included in SC:

Items to be included in FC:

Items excluded from the BI calculation:


UK Basel 3.1: Near-final Rules Part 2 (PS9/24) - Key Changes


UK Basel 3.1: Reporting changes