- Basel 3.1 19
- Brexit 1
- CRR2 8
- Capital 1
- Consultation Paper 2
- Covid 1
- Dear CEO Letter - PRA 1
- Dear CRO Letter - PRA 1
- Deposit Aggregators 2
- Internal news 1
- Large Exposures 1
- Liquidity Risk 4
- Market Updates 1
- Model Risk Management 1
- Own Funds 2
- Policy Statements 1
- RRP 1
- Recovery Planning 1
- Regulatory reporting automation 2
- Regulatory reporting transformation 3
- Regulatory updates 32
- Risk Management 1
- Risk management framework 7
- Small Domestic Deposit Takers (SDDT) 3
- Solvent Exit Plan 1
- Stress testing 2
- Supervisory Statement 3
- k-ALM 4
PRA’s 2024 ICAAP Stress Test Scenarios for Non-Systemic Banks
On 27th June 2024, the Prudential Regulation Authority (“PRA”) published the ICAAP Scenarios for non-systemic UK banks, which are the supply shock scenario and the demand shock scenario. This article summarises the key factors of the scenarios and provides specific points on how small- and medium-sized banks should approach there stress testing design processes, with relation to the 2024 ICAAP Scenarios.
ILAAP, Stress testing & Pillar 2
A key purpose of the Internal Liquidity Adequacy Assessment Process (ILAAP) is to document and demonstrate overall liquidity adequacy. The document informs the bank’s Board and regulators of the ongoing assessment and quantification of the bank's liquidity and funding risks, how the bank intends to mitigate those risks and how much current and future liquidity is required.