- Basel 3.1 19
- Brexit 1
- CRR2 8
- Capital 1
- Consultation Paper 2
- Covid 1
- Dear CEO Letter - PRA 1
- Dear CRO Letter - PRA 1
- Deposit Aggregators 2
- Internal news 1
- Large Exposures 1
- Liquidity Risk 4
- Market Updates 1
- Model Risk Management 1
- Own Funds 2
- Policy Statements 1
- RRP 1
- Recovery Planning 1
- Regulatory reporting automation 2
- Regulatory reporting transformation 3
- Regulatory updates 32
- Risk Management 1
- Risk management framework 7
- Small Domestic Deposit Takers (SDDT) 3
- Solvent Exit Analysis 1
- Solvent Exit Plan 2
- Stress testing 2
- Supervisory Statement 3
- Webinar 1
- k-ALM 4
The PRA’s Proposed Approach to Policy (DP4/22)
The PRA set out its approach to its new objective in the DP, stating that it intends to centre its attention on facilitating economic activity in the medium- to long-term, and steer clear of activities that might create short-term economic booms at the cost of long-term stability and economic resilience.